Is GB WhatsApp Pro End-to-End Encrypted


Today, GB WhatsApp has millions of users all over the world. The sole reason is people need some extra features than their regular WhatsApp. These features and functionalities as well as customization options like changing chat background and customizing app interface make this GB WhatsApp Pro attractive for a large number of users.

What is End-to-End Encryption in WhatsApp?

Well, if you are from Information Technology background, then you might familiar with the concept of end-to-end encryption. But if you are not, don’t worry because I’m gonna explain it to you in simple and easy way.

We know that we use WhatsApp because we think it is safe. In other words our private chats and media are safe and that only sender (say you are sender) and receiver (say your friend is receiver) have access to these chats and media and that no third-party has access to these chats and media.

End-to-end encryption or E2EE (shortform) is a method which ensures that communication is safe between two parties by implementing the technique of encryption.

How E2EE Works?

It usually involves 3 steps:

  • Encryption: Sender converts plaintext (readable text) into ciphertext (meaningless text) by using a public key (say a password).
  • Transmission: The ciphertext travels from sender to receiver. Since this message appears meaningless, therefore even if someone encounters it, he/she can’t understand it.
  • Decryption: Receiver decrypts this message. In other words, converts ciphertext to plaintext or original text by using a private key (like a password).

Is WhatsApp E2EE?

Yes, WhatsApp claims that all messages and media are end-to-end encrypted and even WhatsApp can not read your messages and in this way privacy of your messages remains intact.

Is GB WhatsApp Pro End-to-End Encrypted?

No, GB WhatsApp Pro does not guarantee E2EE and your data can be at risk. Therefore, it is recommended that always download GB WhatsApp Pro from secure sites

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